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Phoenix Ski Club Charities and Community Service

The Phoenix Ski Club supports several charities every year. These charities are chosen each spring from member submissions to our Board of Directors. Last year (2024) our club donated $2900.00 in cash and goods to charity, and contributed 260 man-hours to community service work.


PSC Adopt-A-Road Program

The Phoenix Ski Club has participated in the Maricopa County Adopt-A-Road program for over 25 years! Every spring & fall club members and guests volunteer to clean up trash & debris along a 2.5 mile stretch of Bush Highway near Saguaro Lake. We contribute approximately 60 man-hours of volunteer work annually to keep our little piced of Arizona's highways clean and beautiful.

PSC Annual Ski Season Kickoff Charity Fundraiser

The Phoenix Ski Club has hosts a "Ski Season Kickoff Party and Charity Fundraiser" annually. All funds raised are donated to St. Mary's Food Bank. We're grateful that Sun & Ski Paradise Valley, Crazy Legs Ski Service, Ski Pro and Desert Snow Connection have all supported our fundraising efforts. Last year (2024), we raised $1700.00 for St. Mary's Food banks as we celebrated the upcoming ski season.

Shoebox Ministries

Shoebox Ministry coordinates the collection and distribution of toiletry items in the Phoenix Metro area to those who are experiencing homelessness and others who need but can’t afford hygiene items.The Phoenix Ski Club collects toiletry items at our monthly meetings and contributes them to Shoebox Ministries

St Mary's Food Bank

The Phoenix Ski Club has supported St Mary's Food Bank for many years. Our members volunteer monthly to prepare food parcels, and we donate funds through our 50/50 raffle & our fall fundraiser. In 2024 we donated approximately $2000.00 and 200 man-hours of volunteer labor to St. Mary's Food Bank.